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Karan Bhakuni avatar
Written by Karan Bhakuni
Updated over a month ago

This guide will show you how to install Poper on your TYPO3 website, allowing you to create effective popups that capture leads and enhance your marketing efforts.


  • A Poper account (free plan available)

  • A TYPO3 website


Add a New Website in Poper:

Visit the Poper website and navigate to the "Website" section (globe icon). Click on "New Website" and enter your TYPO3 website's domain name.

Access Poper Dashboard:

Ensure you're on the correct domain within your Poper dashboard. This guarantees you're working with the settings specific to your TYPO3 website

Get the Embed Code:

Locate the "Code" icon in the left-hand navigation bar of your Poper dashboard. Click on the icon to access the embed code for your popups.

Download the Extension/Add-ons:

Select "Typo3".

Copy the AccountID:

Click the "Download Extension" based on the TYPO3 version you are using to download the Extension file locally on your device. You'll need this to upload in Extension section. And

click the "Copy" button to copy the accountID to your clipboard. You'll need this accountID to install Poper with your TYPO3 website.

Upload the Poper Add-ons in Cs-Cart:

Go to the TYPO3 website

First navigate to the "Admin Tools" section in TYPO3 then click on "Extensions" .

Click on the "upload icon".

Choose your Extension file that you downloaded earlier. After that, click on "Upload!" and this will initiate the installation process. After installation, you have to navigate to the "Web" section.

Click on "Poper" to open the Extension settings.

Enter the copied accountID and then click on the "Submit" button to connect Poper to the TYPO3 website.

Congratulations! You've successfully installed Poper on your TYPO3 website.

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