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List all Popups
Karan Bhakuni avatar
Written by Karan Bhakuni
Updated over 4 months ago

This article outlines how to use Poper's API to list all the popups you've created. This could be useful if you want a clear snapshot of all popups.

The process requires a POST request to


You should already have an API key and know how to authenticate it. If you're unfamiliar with this process, please refer to our previous guides to get started.

Listing All Popups

1. Setting up the request: Create a POST request targeting this API endpoint In the body of your request, pass your api_key.

2. Body Encoding: Remember to encode your body with x-www-urlencoding to ensure correct interpretation by the server.

Here's an example of a curl request you could use:

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -d 'api_key=YOUR_API_KEY'

Understanding the Response

Upon sending the request, you should receive a response in the following format:

{ "popups":[<array of popups>], }

This response consists of an object with the key named 'popups' containing the details of all the popups you've created.

It's a quick way to get an overview of all the popups on your site, helping you manage and optimize your online marketing efforts.

And there you have it! Now, you can easily list all the popups you've created.

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